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Guest artists, speakers, excursions, community projects, gallery shows, and more.....

Outdoors and beyond...

We love getting out and about with our sketchbook, and we know you will too! Capturing a scene, a mood, or a moment when you're in the middle of it makes for brilliant, immediate art, so we offer a variety of group visits, excursions, and outdoor activities all year round.


See advertisements and calendar for details of upcoming events, or get in touch to arrange a private tour.


PRICE PER PERSON: on application

"Kitchen-Sink" Printing: Making art from trash 

Recycle, Re-use, Create! After the success of this creative workshop last year, we're offering another chance to learn art printmaking techniques that can be done easily at home. We'll make monotypes, collagraphs and drypoint etchings using everyday materials like tetra paks, plastic packaging, cardboard, and paints


Wednesday 23 April 2025, 10.00 - 12.00


PRICE PER PERSON: €20 (includes all materials, teaching, and refreshments)

Albers - Necklace.jpg
Bauhaus to Bauhaus: Jewellery-making from household bits

Inspired by Anni Albers, student and teacher at the legendary Bauhaus art school and Black Mountain College, this creative workshop another chance to explore the aesthetic possibilities of humble objects like nuts and bolts, washers, hair grips, string, paperclips, and much more...


Thursday 24 April 2025, 10.00 - 12.00


PRICE PER PERSON: €20 (includes all materials, teaching, and refreshments)

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